Tuesday, November 19, 2019

NDH-Philately Group

Update: It is been two weeks since we are hosting at https://groups.io/g/NDH-Philately. In the meantime, we have gained six new members, bringing the total number of members to over 100. Increasing member activity is also a positive sign for the future of this group...


If you are an NDH collector then you should know for the NDH study group set up by Mr. Phil Hughes back in 2005. So far, the group has been hosted at Yahoo, but due to a coming shutdown of some Yahoo services, the group has got a new home: https://groups.io/g/NDH-Philately.

If you are not a member, I suggest applying for membership. The procedure is easy and membership is free. Just open the page, click on the blue button and follow the instructions...

A new home for NDH-Philately Group.