Sunday, February 17, 2019

1943 SPLIT, Overprint flaws 4/4

This is a last part of a post about the 1943 Split issue overprint flaws. For the first post in a series, click here.

Positions 50, 60 and 61.
50 - Second letter A is damaged. Vertical stroke of K in left Kn is broken.
60 - Incision in lower part of U. Spot to the right of U. Letter N without of serif tu upper right.
61 - Irregular spot to left (the size depends on strength of the overprint and color saturation).

Positions 64, 68 and 86.
64 - Vertical down stroke of letter N is broken. 
68 - Lower part of letter S is damaged.
86 - Vertical down stroke of letter N is broken.

Positions 91 and 94.
91 - Small second dot between figures 3 and 5 (3:5).
94 - Horizontal stroke of letter H is missing.

For a complete article order:
Croatian philatelic almanac
Independent State of Croatia
1943 Unreleased Local Issue for Dalmatia


Catalogue Listing
Overprint Errors
Constant and Part-Constant Overprint Flaws
Varieties of Underlying Stamps
Interesting Examples

To order please contact me at

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Philatelists convention in Ljubljana

Today, I was positively surprised by the crowd at the philatelist convention in Ljubljana. In addition to regular weekly meetings, these conventions are organized four times a year...

Crowd at the convention.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

1943 SPLIT, Overprint flaws 3/4

This is a continuation of a post about the 1943 Split issue overprint flaws. For the first post in a series, click here.

Positions 35, 37 and 38.
35 - Incision to lower part of zero.
37 - Letter N without serif to upper right. Lower part of figure 5 is damaged.
38 - Letter K is truncated to upper right.

Positions 41, 44 and 45.
41 - Upper stroke of K in left Kn is broken.
44 - Shortened horizontal stroke of figure 3.
45 - First letter A is damaged.

Positions 46, 47 and 48.
46 - Stroke of figure 3 truncated at an acute angle.
47 - Letter N in N.D. broken to upper right. Lower part of letter S is damaged.
48 - Spot on second letter A. Lower stroke of letter R twisted upwards. Letter K is broken.

For a part 4/4 click here.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

1943 SPLIT, Overprint flaws 2/4

This is a continuation of a post about the 1943 Split issue overprint flaws. For the first post in a series, click here.

Positions 10,11 and 12
10 - Broken letter N.
11 - Letter N without serif to upper right. Incision to base of figure 5.
12 - Incision to upper arc of figure 5.

Positions 13, 22 and 26.
13 - Dot after D is small or missing.
22 - Dash above letter K.
26 - Letter S is broken.

Positions 29, 30 and 31.
29 - Letter S is broken. Letter N without serif to upper right.
30 - Incision to lower part of letter K.
31 - Letter S is broken.

For a part 3/4 click here.

Monday, February 4, 2019

1944 SENTA, Amateurish forgeries

WTF is this...

Senta fakes on eBay.

I have never seen such amateurish forgeries.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

1943 SPLIT, Overprint flaws 1/4

The majority of flaws are minor and relatively insignificant, but there are a few major and more attractive examples, e.g. missing upper right stroke of K (position 38), colored spot on the second A (position 48) or indented U (position 60) etc. Altogether 32 constant and part-constant flaws have been noted which most collectors should be able to identify without major effort.

Positions showing constant and part-constant flaws.

Positions 1,3 and 4
1 - Dot after D is small or missing. Upper stroke of K is broken.
3 - Dot after D is small or missing.
4 - Letter R is broken.

Positions 6,7 and 8
6 - Letter N without serif to upper right.
7 - Letter N without serif to upper right.
8 - Broken letter N. Figure 3 with straight edge to left.

For a part 2/4 click here.
For a part 3/4 click here.
For a part 4/4 click here.

For a complete article order:

Croatian philatelic almanac
Independent State of Croatia
1943 Unreleased Local Issue for Dalmatia


Catalogue Listing
Overprint Errors
Constant and Part-Constant Overprint Flaws
Varieties of Underlying Stamps
Interesting Examples

To order please contact me at