Tuesday, November 3, 2020

POW Camp Osnabrück

Oflag VI C in Osnabrück (Lower Saxony, Germany) was an officer's camp of Yugoslav prisoners of war with about 6000 officers captured in 1941. Most were imprisoned until the end of WWII. After the capitulation of Germany on May 9, 1945, the officers remained in the camp for a long time. The main reason was the logistical difficulties in returning to Yugoslavia, as well as the fact that not all officers wanted to return to the country where communism came to power. Ex-inmates continued to live in the camp, so they organized their own rules...

Identification card, issued by ex-inmates of Oflag VI C POW camp in Osnabrück (20.V.1945) with provisional circular cachet "YUGOSLAV ARMY" and five-lines provisional cachet "CAMP / OF / YUGOSLAV OFFICERS / No ____  ____ 1945 / OSNABRUCK". Exciting item.