Monday, July 8, 2019

Concentration camp Ragusa

In the autumn of 1942, Italians established few small transitional camps in the surroundings of Dubrovnik (Ragusa). They were mainly intended for Jews from Croatia and Bosnia. These are camps on island Lopud (Mezzo), in Gruž (Gravosa) and Kupari. Probably all were under the same administration in Ragusa. In 1943, most of the internees were moved to the camp on island Rab (Arbe).

Letter with instructions for the establishment of Italian camps in the area of Ragusa.
General Giuseppe Amico, 
Division Marche
(click for larger image)

Mail from or to these camps is extremely rare.

NDH stationery, sent from Ragusa (26.V.43) to Sarajevo, franked with 2 kn, canceled with "INTERNATO DI GUERRA / (FRANCHIGIA POSTALE)", rectangular and two round censorship stamps and 35/IV censor mark. Signed Ercegović.