Thursday, February 7, 2019

1943 SPLIT, Overprint flaws 2/4

This is a continuation of a post about the 1943 Split issue overprint flaws. For the first post in a series, click here.

Positions 10,11 and 12
10 - Broken letter N.
11 - Letter N without serif to upper right. Incision to base of figure 5.
12 - Incision to upper arc of figure 5.

Positions 13, 22 and 26.
13 - Dot after D is small or missing.
22 - Dash above letter K.
26 - Letter S is broken.

Positions 29, 30 and 31.
29 - Letter S is broken. Letter N without serif to upper right.
30 - Incision to lower part of letter K.
31 - Letter S is broken.

For a part 3/4 click here.