Sunday, May 27, 2018

1945 TRIESTE, Interesting picture postcard

Three things are interesting with the following picture postcard: first, it was used within a short period of free-of-charge postage, second, it was written in Trieste, but sent from Rijeka and third, it has a mark with the name of the censor...

1945 Trieste, unfranked picture postcard, written in Trieste, but sent the same day (8.VI.45) from Rijeka to Brežice ob Savi, censored in Rijeka and at arrival or somewhere in transition. 

There are two censor marks on the postcard: upper is "★ / CENZURISANO" which was applied in Rijeka, lower is "KOMANDANT - MAJOR / Leskovec Karel" which was most likely added at arrival or somewhere in transition.