Tuesday, November 7, 2017

OI Montenegro, Early mail

The attack on the Kingdom of Yugoslavia began on April 6, 1941. The southwestern part of Montenegro was occupied by the Italian 14th Corps of the 9th Army. The Messina Division took over the Bar (Antivari) on April 16, 1941.

Italian occupation of Montenegro, postcard franked with 80 cent. for air mail, sent from Bar (19.4.41) to Rome, cancelled with "UFFICIO POSTALE MILITARE ??". Note that the postcard was written on April 17, just a day after the Italians took over the Bar. This is an early mail from Italian occupation of Montenegro.

I need some help with identifying a military unit number on the cancellation "UFFICIO POSTALE MILITARE ??". I checked in "La Posta Militare Italiana 1939|1945", Giuseppe Marchese (edition 1991), but without luck. If you have a newest edition or maybe some other sources, please check if you can find out the military unit number. The visible part of the cancellation should be sufficient for the identification...

Click on image to enlarge.