Sunday, October 19, 2014

1945 SPLIT, a first day dilemma

Split provisional overprints were done in three tranches. First set of 9 values (Mi 1-9) was dispatched for use on 1.III.1945. Second set of 6 values (Mi 11, 13-17) was delivered a week later, on 7.III.1945. The delivery of the remaining two values (Mi 10, 12) took place as late as 21.III.1945.

It can be said that this issue has three different first day dates. Or we should use only 21.III.1941 as a first day - at least when we talk about the complete set.

1945 Split local provisional issue, complete CTO on cardboard sheet.

21.III.1945 is a first day cancellation for the complete set.