Thursday, September 12, 2019

1945 ZAGREB, Imperforate below

One of the varieties of 1945 Zagreb provisional issue is also porto No. 3 80/2 kn imperforate below. Its catalog value is 120 Eur. Today, you can buy such stamp for less than 10 Eur. But what do you get?

1945 Zagreb provisional issue, Porto No. 3 80/2 kn, looks like imperforate below. Sold on eBay for 8 Eur.

You should be careful... it is not uncommon for the bottom perforation to be slightly lower than it should be, making the last row of stamps a bit higher. This means that someone can take scissors and make an imperforate stamp from a perforated one and thus changes the value from 10 cents to 10 Eur.

Comparison of height between perforated and "imperforate" stamp.

Making "imperforate" from perforated stamp (computer only).