Saturday, September 28, 2019

1945 Split, Bad first date stationery

Split provisional issue was released in three stages:
  1. on 1.3.1945 - No. 1 to No. 9
  2. on 7.3.1945 - No. 11 and No.13 to No. 17
  3. on 21.3.1945 - No. 10 and No.12
So, you have to be careful when you see something like this...

Split stationery. Price 800 Eur.

1945 Split provisional issue, philatelic stationery, cancelled to order with Komiža 1.III.45. Both marked stamps were issued on 7.3.1945 hence they can not be used a week before :). This stationery was prepared much later.