Thursday, October 14, 2021

1945 LJUBLJANA, Podlipa auxiliary post office

During WWII, Podlipa had a small auxiliary office of the Vrhnika post office. The German army left Vrhnika on May 5 1945, and the next day the abandoned area was held by the Yugoslav army. Nearby Ljubljana and other parts of Slovenia were liberated on May 9. The new regime immediately suspended postal services in the territory of Slovenia - first informally and then, on May 12, also formally. The ban was in effect until June 6. On June 7, the stamps of the Ljubljana Provisional Issue were overprinted and delivered to the post offices in the following days...

Money order for 125.- Lira sent to auxiliary post office Podlipa, cancelled at Vrhika with german canceller OVERLAIBACH / VRHNIKA on 4.V.45. After the Germans left and after the suspension of postal service, it was cancelled with nationalized Italian canceller VRHNIKA on 6.VI.45. The money was paid out on 12.VI.45, and the money transfer order was liquidated with No. 5 of Ljubljana provisional issue on 13.VI.1945.
This is an extremely rare postal item used in a small auxiliary post office during the transition period between the two regimes.