Sunday, April 12, 2020

Confinement Padova

Confinement is a way of internment where an individual was forced to stay in a particular place, mostly under the control of the local Police Headquarters (Italian = Questura). 

Typically, confinement postal items were sent by ordinary mail, but in some cases, the mail was travelled directly between two Police Headquarters and dispatched to the postal service at the destination.

Letter, franked with 50 cent., sent from Padova (13.IV.43) directly to the Police Headquarter in Ljubljana, verified by police (cachet R. QUESTURA / LUBIANA, manuscript Verificato and signature), dispatched to the post office Ljubljana 1 where it was censored (censor 14 and 25) and sent to the addressee (19.4.43).

Note: I do not have enough information on confinement and postal usage and I do not know the literature on this field, so I ask all who come to know this to contact me on